First 200km Ride..

First 200km Ride..

So I need to be doing long distance rides to up my endurance. I have been working on my fitness on the turbo by doing intervals and sweet spot training on Zwift, however there is no substitution for doing long distances to get prepared for a long event. I will be taking the 5th Oct off work to ride this 200 with my friend Nick, whom I will be doing the 312 with. He’s planned a route without too much climbing, just 6000ft, which over 200km is not too bad. We’ll be going north from Stourbridge with two stops planned, 1st at the most northerly point, Whitchurch, around 100km in and another at a shop along the way when we need some energy. I’m both looking forward to this and being somewhat apprehensive. 200km is a LONG way (125 miles), especially in Autumn, but I better get used to it because I have got to do one of these every month over winter and a 300km ride just before the event. It’s scheduled to be reasonably warm on the 5th…god knows how I’ll manage this when it’s 3c and raining.

Nothing like being a glutton for punishment eh?